姓名:陈东生 | 性别:男 | |
学历:博士研究生 | 学位:理学博士 | |
职称:副教授 | 政治面貌:中共党员 | |
办公电话: | Email:cds78@shiep.edu.cn | |
系别:物理系 | 办公室:临港B2楼A212室 | |
个人简介: 2013年毕业于上海大学,获凝聚态物理专业理学博士学位,副教授,硕士生导师。2014-2016年在复旦大学博士后流动站从事热电方面的研究工作。2006-2007年度获“优秀主讲教师”,2009年度获“优秀青年教师”,2010-2011年度被评为上海电力学院“我心目中的好老师”,2019年度获新捕京3522com“优秀共产党员”和“教书育人楷模”等荣誉称号。出版教材4本,主持获批上海市虚拟仿真实验一流课程2项,2023年主持开发的“绿色校园能量转换、收集与EMS管理系统虚拟仿真实验”获“国家级虚拟仿真实验一流课程”和上海市教育委员会《教育数字化转型实践创新优秀案例》。录制的《太阳能电池技术》在线课程教学视频访问量达到235554人次。使得教学资源更符合专业学生需求和物理学科的光伏特色。2023年主持编写的《大学物理实验》教材获新捕京3522com优秀教材奖。 近年来在Adv. Electron. Mater、ACS Appl. Mater. Interface、Materials Today Energy等学术期刊上发表SCI 论文17篇。在European Journal of Physics、Physics Education、The Physics Teacher和大学物理等国内外核心期刊上发表教研论文10余篇。现任新捕京3522com新捕京3522com物理实验中心主任。 | ||
研究方向:主要从事新能源发电和储能方面的研究工作,涉及太阳能发电、热电、超级电容器、锌空气电池、压电以及相关的模拟计算等方面的研究工作。 | ||
主讲课程:《太阳能电池技术》、《新能源发电技术》、《近代物理实验》和《大学物理实验》等 | ||
科研论文: [1]Li Pan, Guangzhou Chen, Gang Chen, Dongsheng Chen*.Electrospun cobalt nanoparticles embedded in pyrrole doped hollow mesoporous carbon nanofibers as efficient and durable oxygen electrocatalysts for rechargeable zinc-air battery, Diamond and Related Materials 127(2022):109178. [2]Guangzhou Chen, Gang Chen, Li Pan, and Dongsheng Chen*. PVDF/GO piezoelectric pressure sensor for human joints monitoring, Diamond and Related Materials 127(2022):109358. [3]Gang Chen, Guangzhou Chen, Li Pan, and Dongsheng Chen*. CaMoO4 Nanoparticles doped Graphene Oxide as Electrodes for High Performance Supercapacitors, NANO,3 (2022): 2250027. [4]Chen gang, Dongsheng Chen*. Design of Photovoltaic Power Generation System Based on Single Chip Microcomputer. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2020 [5]Lan Dong; Qing Xi; Dongsheng Chen; Jie Guo; Baowen Li; JunZhou; XiangfanXu,Dimensional crossover of heat conduction in amorphous polyimide nanofibers, NationalScienceReview, 5(2018):500-506. [6]Dongsheng chen,Yanyan zhu,Electrospun Perovskite Nanofibers,Nanoscale Research Letters,12(2017): 114 [7]Yijing Sun, Dongsheng Chen, Ziqi Liang,Two-dimensional MXenes for energy storage and conversion applications,Materials Today Energy,5 (2017) :22-36. [8]Dongsheng Chen,Yan Zhao,Yani Chen, Tingyu Lu,, Yuanyuan Wang,Jun Zhou,and Ziqi Liang. Thermoelectric Enhancement of Ternary Copper Chalcogenide Nanocrystals by Magnetic Nickel Doping. Adv. Electron. Mater. 2016, 1500473. [9]Dongsheng Chen,Yan Zhao,Yani Chen,Biao Wang, Yuanyuan Wang,Jun Zhou,and Ziqi Liang. Hot-Injection Synthesis of Cu-Doped Cu2ZnSnSe4 Nanocrystals to Reach Thermoelectric zT of 0.70 at 450 °C [J]. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 7(2015): 24403−24408. [10]Dongsheng Chen,Yan Zhao,Yani Chen,Biao Wang,Haiyan Chen,Jun Zhou,and Ziqi Liang. One-Step Chemical Synthesis of ZnO/Graphene Oxide Molecular Hybrids for High-Temperature Thermoelectric Applications, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 7(2015): 3224–3230. [11]J. Yang, H.W. Du, D.S. Chen, F. Xu, P.H. Zhou, J. Xu, Z.Q. Ma, Analysis of recombination path for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells through luminescence, Materials Letters,145 (2015):236–238. [12]Zuobao Yang, Zhongquan Ma, Dengyu Pan, Dongsheng Chen, Fei Xu, Shumin Chen. Enhancing the performance of front-illuminated dye-sensitized solar cells with highly [001] oriented, single-crystal-like TiO2 nanotube arrys [J]. Ceramics International, 40(2014): 173-180. [13]D.S. Chen, J. Yang, Z.B. Yang,F.Xu, H.W. Du, Z.Q. Ma. Improvement of band gap profile in Cu(InGa)Se2 solar cells through rapid thermal annealing, Materials Research Bulletin, 54 (2014) 48 –53. [14]D. S. Chen, J. Yang, F. Xu, P. H. Zhou, H. W. Du, J.W. Shi, Z.S. Yu, Y. H. Zhang, Brian Bartholomeusz, Z.Q. Ma. Effect of rapid thermal annealing on the compositional ratio and interface of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells by XPS, Applied Surface Science, 264 (2013): 459-463. [15]Chen Dong-Sheng, Yang Jie, Xu Fei, Zhou Ping-Hua, Du Hui-Wei, Shi Jian-Wei, Yu Zheng-Shan, Zhang Yu-Hong, Brian Bartholomeusz, Ma Zhong-Quan. Performance improvement of CdS/Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells after rapid thermal annealing, Chin. Phys. B, 22(2013): 018801- 018805. [16]J. Yang, D.S. Chen, F. Xu, Z.Q. Ma. Photoluminescence study of the defect-induced recombination in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cell, Solar Energy, 98 (2013):415-421. [17]Dongsheng Chen, Haining Hu, Lirong Xing and Yongsheng Liu, An experimental study on sound and frequency of Chinese ancient bevariable bell, European journal of physics, 2009,30(4):541-548. | ||
科研项目: [1]上海市科技计划项目,面向中小学生的新能源发电和智慧校园科普教育,2022.09-2024.01,项目编号:22DZ2306100,主持; [2]教育部产学合作协同育人项目,数字孪生技术在能量转换和收集实验教学中的应用师资培训项目,2022.5-2023.5,项目编号:22050607170621,主持; [3]企业横项项目,聚光太阳能光伏/温差热混合发电装置,2018.5-2020.5,主持; [4]中国博士后科学基金,溶液法可控制备三元Cu-Sb-S体系热电材料及其性能研究,2015.09-2017.03,主持; [5]上海市自然科学基金面上项目,稀土合金材料的电磁输运特性及其磁热效应研究,2016.7-2019.6,第二; [6]CIGS合金薄膜光伏材料与器件的研究,上海电力学院能源与环境工程学院“十二·五”内涵建设(“085工程”)项目,2012.6-2013.6,项目主持; |